Business Overview
"Exact" is an acronym for Executive Assessment, Coaching and Training.
Executive Assessment
Who are your next leaders? How ready are they to take on positions of greater authority within your organization? When will they be ready and what experiences or skills are needed before they are prepared for their next move? The Exact Group's assessment process is a selection methodology proven to identify individuals' potential to succeed in positions of greater managerial responsibility.
Consider The Exact Group to be the "development mentor" for your executive leadership team. One-on-one feedback is based on data-gathering through the process of dynamic inquiry. Feedback is targeted to behavioral change in order to achieve high-leverage impact.
Assessment and Coaching often identify skill deficits which The Exact Group can address. Communication, Teamwork, Leadership Presence, and Management Development Programs are offered, as are integrated training systems for individuals in transition to different levels of management.
Product Information
The Exact Group has developed a turn-key selection process, ManagerSelector™, based on extensive experience developing customized assessment centers for a number of Fortune 500 companies.
Customized Services
The Exact Group offers a customized approach to an organization's assessment and training needs.The Exact Group has successfully delivered:
  • An Executive Development Process

  • The Exact Group has created a systematic method for developing leaders — with a focus on emotional intelligence competencies. The outcome of the process has become a leadership bench of high-potential managers with the breadth, depth, and vision to lead in a complex, diverse and global marketplace.

  • An Annual Talent Review for Senior Executive Managers

  • The client organization's corporate governance required an annual succession plan, which The Exact Group developed and executed.

  • An Intervention Program for Managers at Risk

  • A number of The Exact Group clients have key managers at risk of failure in their positions. A Focused Intervention Program, which includes interviews with peers and subordinates, professional observation and assessment tools, is available to determine the individual's potential for success, and to address the deficiencies presented.

The Exact Group is an executive development and leadership training consultancy formed by Linda Pittari, a known expert who has assessed, coached and trained over 5,000 managers in twenty-two U.S. cities and eight countries.

Her proven approach is designed to have a positive impact on the behavior, attitudes and beliefs of the individuals with whom the Group works. It is recognized by the Wharton School and Harvard University Business School and has been bench-marked by major global organizations.

The Exact Group offers both turn-key and customized services to meet leadership development needs as they arise.